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Meet The Staff


HFCA are very fortunate to have a dedicated team of staff who work with our players every week and teach them the skills needed to play the game. HFCA creates employment opportunities for Khmer youth.

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About Cambodia


The KINGDOM OF CAMBODIA is a country in Southeast Asia with a population of 17 million people, with Phnom Penh being the capital city.

HFCA works with young people aged 8 to 28 years old, with a growing focus on girls. Beneficiaries are from underprivileged families, all enrolled through partner NGOs which focus on education and support for children and families. We work in Phnom Penh, Siem Reap town and Siem Reap Province through our rural development program with programs in three villages.

Our specific development medium is football.
HFCA responds to current situations.
Opportunities for young people in Cambodia are not equal.
While economic growth has increased opportunities for a growing middle class, the majority of the population, especially urban, often poor and rural young people, still live in poverty. The families of these young people often work in the informal economy, in street selling, transport and unskilled labour with unemployment is always close at hand.
HFCA provides a unique, popular and proven model of supporting these underprivileged young people with team-work, self-esteem and practical soft skills. The program supports young people to stay in education and connect to employment, includingwithin the program itself.
Underprivileged young people get access to high quality training, team building and mobility opportunities. This supports wellbeing, mental health, self-esteem, and crucially provides pathways into further opportunities by developing soft skills for success in education and employment. HFCA is fully committed to The UN Convention Article 31 on the Rights of the Child whichstates “That every child has the right to rest and leisure, to engage in play and recreational activities appropriate to the age of the child and to participate freely in cultural life and the arts''.
With falling poverty rates and high economic growth, Cambodia reached lower middle-income status in 2015 and aspires to attain upper middle-income status by 2030. With a significant percentage of the population aged under 30 or younger Cambodia has great potential to grow and increase opportunities for its young population.However, there are still many gaps in Cambodia’s development. Many young people are being left behind, with poverty and the compounding effect of COVID-19 on economic activities driving their families deeper into poverty, which in turn forces more young people out of education and into low paid work. These young people need realistic pathways out of poverty, motivation to stayineducation and opportunities to develop the soft skills necessary to succeed.
Created in 2005, (HFCA) is a non -profit organization aimed at empowering underprivileged youth in Cambodia through the medium of the game of football.

HFCA runs weekly programs in Phnom Penh and Siem Reap province, working exclusively with underprivileged youth aged 8 - 28 years from our partners (CCF) Cambodian Children’s Fund and BFT (Build Your Future Today). HFCA employs a proven United Nations supported ‘sport for development’ model.

© 2025 Happy Football Cambodia, Australia. All rights reserved.

Consumer Affair Victoria registration number A0050533D (Australia)

Australian Charities and not for profit Commission registration number 44105106308

Australian Business Number 44105106308

D&B D-U-N-S Number 743776280

© HFCA All Rights Reserved 2023.