The schools who took part are all members of Round Sqauare and were Ivanhoe Grammar School (AUS), Chadwick School (USA), Scotch Oakburn College (AUS), Strathcona Tweedsmuir School (CAN), Methodist Ladies College (AUS), St Sithian Boys College (SA) and St Sithian Girls College (SA).
Staff and students from the 2010 Senior International Round Square Pre- Conference Service Trip to Cambodia arose early in the morning and made their way to a local high school, ready and eager to play some football with a group of children from Happy Football Cambodia.Students from Australia, Canada and America were all keen to learn more about the HFCA organisation and meet some locals.
Thanks to all the schools who visited our project and made a joint donation of $AU2600. Also thanks to HFCA volunteers Chandara Seng and Hieng Lim for all their hard work in the lead up to the event as well as on the day. Special thanks for Andrew Fox from Ivanhoe Grammar for making all of this happen.
"We arrived armed with plenty of energy and enthusiasm in spite of the humid heat. As soon as the first whistle blew, it quickly became clear that our opposition were not only full of zeal for ‘the beautiful game’ but they also seriously out-classed us in terms of talent! For the next hour and a half we played football, talked, laughed and learned a little Khmer from some of our new acquaintances. All the staff and students involved in the experience felt that it was a really worthwhile and challenging experience. It made all of us reflect on how every little contribution we make can make a difference. I think students came away from the experience feeling very grateful for the privileges they have back home, but also with an interest and commitment to doing more service and volunteer work in the future."
- Claire Andrews (Ivanhoe Grammar School)
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