Its extremely difficult for Cambodian nationals to travel overseas as most countries have Cambodia placed on a special list of countries that must complete a mountain of paperwork to be granted a travel visa. This year it took 16 weeks to get the passports and visa's. 60 to 80 hour of combined work by numerous staff from HFCA and our partners. As the forms kept coming we just kept filling them in. Eventually the visa's were granted as our hard work and patience paid off.
"On behalf of HFCA’s staff and the players, I would like to say thank you very much to people who have assisted us for getting the UK visa. Special thanks to the UK visa center in Phnom Penh, the British Embassy/UK visa decision making in Bangkok, Homeless World Cup staff especially Rachel May, The British Home Office.,the Host City Glasgow, all HFCA’s partners staff representatives. and HFCA hard coach, Jimmy Campbell. We are appreciated of your committed with helping the homeless people through football, to change their lives for the better and to build their self-esteem, come off drugs and alcohol, to move into homes, jobs, education."
- Vibol Chao, HFCA Country Manager
© 2025 Happy Football Cambodia, Australia. All rights reserved.
Consumer Affair Victoria registration number A0050533D (Australia)
Australian Charities and not for profit Commission registration number 44105106308
Australian Business Number 44105106308
D&B D-U-N-S Number 743776280
© HFCA All Rights Reserved 2023.