11 girls from Sras Srong Village attended the HFCA program on 18th February. Image P Grogan

11 girls from Chub Smach Village attended the HFCA program on 17th February. Image P Grogan.

"Thanks to our wonderful partner HFCA for committing and contributing enthusiastically with loving cares to help building professional skills of football to our girl players in the villages"

- Sedtha Long, Founder, Build your Future Today

With support from our partner Build Your Future Today, HFCA is the first organisation to run a formal sports program in these three villages. It's amazing to see the girls passion for football but also HFCA knows we have so much to do to improve these programs. HFCA can see the gaps and we need to ensure they all have football boots and proper football gear. HFCA will be working extra hard to address these issues

16 February 2022

Girls in Siem Reap province embrace HFCA's Village football programs

HFCA's three new community football programs in the Villages of Oroong, Sras Srong and Chub Smach are going really well with large numbers attending all training sessions.

HFCA actively encourages girls to attend our Village programs but were very surprised at the number of girls who have joined. In one week alone from the 17th to 24th of February we had a combined total of 50 girls join the three Village programs.

© 2025 Happy Football Cambodia, Australia. All rights reserved.

Consumer Affair Victoria registration number A0050533D (Australia)

Australian Charities and not for profit Commission registration number 44105106308

Australian Business Number 44105106308

D&B D-U-N-S Number 743776280

© HFCA All Rights Reserved 2023.