Super excited teenagers from Chub Smach village can't wait to see Siem Reap city. Image Sovatha Long

HFCA youth from Chub Smach village are about to leave their village for Siem Reap city and Angkor Wat. Image Sovatha Long

''HFCA were delighted to give these youth a once in a lifetime experience via the Ivanhoe Grammar School Village Cup and they were so happy to see Angkor Wat and it was an eye opening experience for them. Whilst football is an important part of what HFCA does its really just a tool to facilitate personal growth and development for underprivileged children"Paraic Grogan, HFCA Founder

The Ivanhoe Grammar School Village Cup took place on the 25th of June. HFCA with excellent support from our Melbourne friends Ivanhoe Grammar School were able to ensure the 20 youth from Oroong Village and 20 youth from Chub Smach travelled the day before, spend the night in a hotel for the 1st time in their lives and playing for their villages in the Ivanhoe Grammar School Village Cup the next day.

10 July 2023

HFCA's village youth in Siem Reap province visit Angkor Wat for 1st time

In late June HFCA took 40 underprivileged youth from isolated villages in Siem Reap province to see one of the known wonders of the world, the Angkor Wat temple structure close to Siem Reap city.

Due to the extreme poverty the majority of these youth and their families live in, it would not be possible for them to cover the cost of the four to six hour round trip from their homes to Siem Reap city.  Angkor Wat is a temple complex in Cambodia, located on a site measuring 162.6 hectares. The Guinness World Records considers it as the largest religious structure in the world.

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Australian Charities and not for profit Commission registration number 44105106308

Australian Business Number 44105106308

D&B D-U-N-S Number 743776280

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