HFCA partner Cambodian Childrens Fund's Scott Neeson voice his support for our girls program.

Laughing and having fun whilst playing is important for teenagers! Picture P Grogan.



Click here to watch Scott's video

16 March 2018

HFCA redoubles our efforts to grow and build our girls football program

In June last year as we did a review of all our program activities we became aware that our girls program attendances were low.

Whilst HFCA has always been committed to girls participation since we first started operations in 2005, we knew we had to try harder. After extensive consultations with our partner Cambodian Children's Fund we signed up 40 new female players from their program and they started attending the HFCA program in August.

We also hired a female coach to work with our new players. All of our new players really enjoy football and are very determined to make the most of our football programs. Some of them have exceptional skills and it is amazing to see how they improve every week.

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Australian Charities and not for profit Commission registration number 44105106308

Australian Business Number 44105106308

D&B D-U-N-S Number 743776280

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