Every single player has their temperature checked before training starts. Image P Grogan
HFCA staff wear masks at all times. Image HFCA
"The health of our players and staff has been and will continue to be our primary focus as HFCA navigates through these unchartered waters. HFCA would like to thank the management and staff at our training venue Cool Sports Club as well as staff at our partner Cambodian Children's Fund for their excellent work in ensuring that collectively we are doing all in our power to minimize the spread of COVID-19 and keeping everyone safe"
- Paraic Grogan, Founder HFCA
Taking into account the extra duty of care we now had to all program participants, HFCA staff, staff from our partners and the wider community HFCA developed a detailed risk management plan. At every training session since our return all players & staff had their temperatures checked before entering the training facility and everyone washed their hands when entering and exiting the program.
We have also used these training sessions to continue educating our youth in the importance of safe hygiene standards and where possible to practise social distancing.
In mid May, the Cambodian Government decided the situation was stable enough to allow sporting activities to reopen with strict guidelines. The Ministry of Health and Ministry of Education, Youth & Sports gave their approval to reopen certain sporting activities from the 1st of June onwards.
© 2025 Happy Football Cambodia, Australia. All rights reserved.
Consumer Affair Victoria registration number A0050533D (Australia)
Australian Charities and not for profit Commission registration number 44105106308
Australian Business Number 44105106308
D&B D-U-N-S Number 743776280
© HFCA All Rights Reserved 2023.