Ratana is ready for Norway

Individual Background:“My friend knew about CCF and told me to come and join the football program. Playing football with CCF has made me much healthier because I am exercising more and eating better. I joined because I wanted to get experience and training from other players so that I could become a better footballer."

“I feel so happy to have been selected for the Homeless World Cup. I hope we win, but mostly I am looking forward to visiting Norway, and seeing how people from other countries play football.”

01 August 2017

Kin Ratana: wants to make his Uncle proud

Ratana is getting ready to depart for Norway on his first overseas trip when the Homeless World Cup kicks off on the 29th of August.

Family Name: Kin
First Name: Ratana
Year born/DoB: 03 April 1998
Joined HFCA: 2015
Organization: Cambodian Children's Fund
Position: Attacker
Favourite Team: Real Madrid
Favorite Player: Christiano Ronaldo

Family Background:“I grew up in Kampong Speu province but moved to Phnom Penh in 2008. My family situation was very difficult back then. I lived in a very poor area and couldn’t attend school, so I moved to Phnom Penh with my uncle to try and get an education."

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