HFCA Country Manager Vibol Chao been interviewed by TV5.

Thanks to all the Smart staff Helen, Hak, Sak and Jon for supporting us. Liger Learning Centre students help meant a lot. Specials thanks must go to the very significant contributions of Julian Rake, Managing Director of Quantum Communications and Kounila Keo, Managing Director of Redhill Cambodia.

Check out all the pictures from the press conference here

05 August 2017

Press Conference attracts huge media attention

This week saw the Cambodian team for the Homeless World Cup introduced to the media at our press conference.

Taking place at the home of the HFCA office in the wonderful Raintree building, our Press Conference attracted reporters, photographers and film crews from over 20 organisations, many of whom will be following the team throughout the tournament.

In attendance were Smart Mobile CEO Thomas Hundt, CEO of Cambodian Childrens Fund Scott Neeson, Founder and CEO of HFCA Paraic Grogan and Country Manager Vibol Chao.

HFCA would like to place on record our sincere gratitude for the amazing contributions of the following organisations and individuals who contributed to the success of our press conference. In particular, we would like to thank Zoe, Sideth, Siekhouy, Yi, Socheat, Theara and Tonet from Raintree, all the staff at Kilat Events, Len Leng did an amazing job with translating.

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Australian Charities and not for profit Commission registration number 44105106308

Australian Business Number 44105106308

D&B D-U-N-S Number 743776280

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