HFCA Chairperson Lynn Curlionis and staff member Jon Hammond present the ReUnion Cup to the winners

"The ReUnion Cup was a special occasion, and very fitting for the group we had visiting as it brought together kids who have been involved over the last 7 years. For Lynn and Helen, they reconnected with the kids they met in Melbourne in 2008, and it was a great send off for the team heading to Amsterdam. It really put into perspective the achievements of the program and it was fantastic for us all to share this moment."

- Jon Hammond, Fundraising and Marketing Manager

Check out all the photos from the first ReUnion Cup HERE

12 November 2015

ReUnion Cup brings old friends together

HFCA launched the ReUnion Cup in September this year.

Our aim was to reunite all seven teams that have represented Team Cambodia at the annual Homeless World Cup. It was fantastic for HFCA staff to see all the former players and they were delighted to see their old teams mates. This will become an annual event as all the players expressed their desire for the event to be continued.

"What a wonderful opportunity to be present at the HFCA ReUnion cup and meet up with three of the players who represented their country in Melbourne.How daunting & scary it must have been; foreign language, new horizons and experiences never imagined. Seven years on these young men are now confident adults, employed, in relationships /married one with a child. The game of soccer has nurtured and challenged these player to achieve."

- Helen Hutchins, Volunteer at 2008 Homeless World Cup

The actual competition itself was played in the right spirit and some of the football was superb and its obvious that the players have improved a lot since they played at the Homeless Wold Cup

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Australian Charities and not for profit Commission registration number 44105106308

Australian Business Number 44105106308

D&B D-U-N-S Number 743776280

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