Collingwood Rotary's Bruce Shaw presents the medals to the winning team Collingwood Allstars.

HFCA would like to sincerely thank everyone at Collingwood Rotary for the amazing support they give HFCA. They have been one of HFCA's biggest and long standing supporters. Their commitments to assisting disadvantaged communities in Cambodia and Melbourne is fantastic.

02 November 2017

The 14th Collingwood Rotary Fair Play a success!

A day which began with hot sun and ended in torrential rain (luckily just after the final had finished) saw the Collingwood Allstars take out the Fair Play Trophy in a day dominated by the teams from the local estates soccer programs.

Thanks to Jeff and Clifton Tennis Club for hosting us. Also to our sponsors: Collingwood RotaryCarlsbergMelbourne VictoryRTR ProductionsPBS and RRR radio stations, Tiger CorpMetropolitan Fire Brigade and Futsaloon5.

This was our 14th event in 10 years and we cant wait to do it again!

For the full report head here.
For all the pics go here


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Australian Business Number 44105106308

D&B D-U-N-S Number 743776280

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